according to the hour of the day memoranda

28 August 2007

of unrealized intercourse…02

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

intelligent building [project] ‘X’ working title :

panel 1 text field two

‘By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi’

window 2 text field three

multi-screen installation [project] ‘Y’ working title :

panel 2 text field four

‘We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here’

window 3 text field five

search-engine and navigation [project] ‘Z’ working title :

panel 3 text field six

(a) « Quoi de neuf, pussycat? »
(b) ‘La femme Nikita’

window 4 text field seven


panel 4 text field eight

((By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (La femme Nikita))

window 5 text field nine


panel 5 text field ten

((By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (La femme Nikita)(We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here))

window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve

((La femme Nikita) (We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

window 7 text field thirteen


panel 7 text field fourteen

((We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (La femme Nikita) (By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

window 8 text field fifteen


panel 8 text field sixteen

If the skeletal or bare-bones or outline structure
provided by X = FORM and
(FORM = CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE of major and minor elements within an organization : clearly defined so that the structure operates in full [or limited full] comprehension of itself)

* ‘full’ in terms of the artificial language used : * ‘limited’ in terms of ‘natural’ language

and if the contextually loaded Y = CONTENT
(CONTENT = the major NARRATIVE containing lesser NARRATION ‘composed’ independently of the structure of the work to provide a social and political CONTEXTUALITY)
and if Z =
possesses neither FORM nor CONTENT (other than in the most minimal sense) it may be an irrelevant or dysfunctional element :
what is the value of Z?

window 9 text field seventeen


panel 9 text field eighteen

None at time of writing .
(and if as well : Z = a VACANCY for the insertion of
‘user procedures’ and therefore represents an ACT or an opportunity to act then Z represents ‘the human interface’ and so need have no ID)

end of part01

of unrealized intercourse…01

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

intelligent building

panel 1 text field two


window 2 text field three

multi-screen installation

panel 2 text field four


window 3 text field five

enquiry agency

panel 3 text field six


window 4 text field seven

multi-screen installation

panel 4 text field eight


window 5 text field nine

intelligent building

panel 5 text field ten


window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve


window 7 text field thirteen


panel 7 text field fourteen

Should X, Y, or Z ACT as focal point : providing entry, or should all 3 act independently while providing ENTRY each to other?

window 8 text field fifteen


panel 8 text field sixteen

None at time of writing .

end of part00

13 August 2007

of unrealized intercourse…00

on (unrealized) intercourse…with AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

on (unrealized) intercourse with—
by means of—
A SEARCH-engine .

attached sheet 1 —a form of dialog box —button title00.1

display dialog ‘RANDOM suffix’ .xyz

panel 1 text field two :

“On (not) flagging a dead cause” . (multi-) screen TEXT (‘with 3 components’) .

attached sheet 2 —a form of dialog box —button title00.1

display dialog ‘random SUFFIX’ .XYZ

end of title00

on (unrealized) intercourse with an…INTELLIGENT BUILDING .

window 2 text field three

“On (not) flagging a dead cause” . (multi-) screen TEXT (‘with 3 components’) .

attached sheet 1 —a form of dialog box —button title00.2

display dialog ‘RANDOM suffix’ .xyz

panel 2 text field four :

on (unrealized) intercourse with—
by means of—
A SEARCH-engine .

attached sheet 2 —a form of dialog box —button title00.2

display dialog ‘random SUFFIX’ .XYZ

end of title00a

3 August 2007

of the past

1. (a) skeletal barebones textual intercourse with an intelligent building - formation of an in-appropriate language with which to carry out this intercourse (b) construction of a multi-screen projection-installation to run independently of user with addedContent running a fragmented socio-political commentary (c) online textual reference perhaps via search-engine(s) - archived bot accumulation of source material emptied and refilled to timetabled instruction

By-m-by haus bilong-yu bilong mi
description of work-in-progress at ‘TextLab’
trAce Online Writing Centre

Nottingham Trent University 2003

2. Kiss the Bony Structure is a work for the Internet built upon an earlier work The Word beyond Speech an interactive text inspired by OuLiPo and the work of Georges Perec

in Kiss the Bony Structure words refuse meaning and interpretation instead offering themselves as playful exercises . frames fold in on themselves lists course across the screen words reveal themselves as simply combinations of letters awaiting formal application . text is offered as a game a system of exchange between author and reader offering redirection rather than reward in response to participation

the work draws attention to the ways in which structures and processes of the computer medium may manipulate reception and understanding and was in part developed from the study of the conceptual structures or network languages which provide systems analysts with their ubiquitous working models : in the spirit of OuLiPo the work imitates chance while obeying a law

if this structure or code is the message it is a message-site carefully arranged as a response to both the Internet as a repository for use-ful-less information and to its potential to constitute a new language experience beyond speech

the bony structure of the title refers to an academic conceit that aesthetics is the bony grammar of Art

Jeff Instone is a verteran der Textkunst who has moved on from written paintings and drawings and whose work has been variously described as “strange scribblings” BBC, ‘curious and dull’ Time Out, ‘an artist…not worth his salt’ The Guardian, and as ‘exploring the leading edge of digital textworks : stylish - insightful and witty’ The Cyberspace Lexicon

Kiss the Bony Structure is an unRest( ) work by Jeff Instone with contributions from Julian Weaver in residence at Camerawork with support from the National Lottery through the Arts Council of England, Southern Arts International Initiatives, and Backspace 1996

3. vacant lots are odd and lovely places found in both urban and rural districts . starting out a more or less cleared space a lot will grow and develop like some giant bacon onion and potato pie layer upon layer folding and mixing confined within an indifferent conventional surrounding . in and on such conjugal sites comparatively unrestricted natural growth may enjoy an often long term relationship with the detritus of manufactured productivity - Herstory and History - plaintive achingly beautiful places surviving fitfully dismissed as eyesores by the eyes-right : boxed in by clearly defined capital parts forced to give way to development and emphatic construction only to become renascent elsewhere - confirming that despite the march and machinations of time the thousand weed Reich will live on

Echoes written paintings Matt’s Gallery 1987