on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application
window 1 text field one
1 . Project ‘X’
building management system(s) and ‘sensors’ : working title
‘By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi’
panel 1 text field two
Research :
core ‘aims and objectives’ of the ‘intelligent building’ : ‘mission statements’ and so on
component ‘X’ AS : shaping structure / umbrella / ignition and running procedures
component ‘X’ NOT AS : not known at time of writing
window 2 text field three
Q 1
panel 2 text field four
Should the ‘database’ of the intelligent building be read as or seen to be in addition to its functionality as possessing ‘content’ which may or may not be ‘meaningful’?
window 3 text field five
panel 3 text field six
the ‘intelligent building’ supplies a [conceptual] structure and ‘meaningful content’ is in the ‘mind’s eye’ of the user : unless a basic or simplified or ‘pidgin’ language is inserted to come between X and Y
window 4 text field seven
Q 1a
panel 4 text field eight
What purpose would the insertion of a natural language serve at this ‘point’?
window 5 text field nine
A 1
panel 5 text field nine
None at the time of writing .
window 6 text field ten
2 . Project ‘Y’
multi-screen installation : working title
‘We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here’
panel 6 text field ten
Research :
‘conceptual structures’ / J F Sowa / AI mental modelling
component ‘Y’ AS : ignition & running in response to [aspects of] X
component ‘Y’ NOT AS : standalone available for direct user response
window 7 text field eleven
Q 2
panel 7 text field eleven
Should installation run independently?
window 8 text field twelve
A 2
panel 8 text field twelve
None .
CONCLUDE : PLAY independent of X and Z demotes the notion of COMMUNALITY but promotes the idea of INDIVIDUATION
window 9 text field twelve
3 . Project ‘Z’
guardian / tracing agent / assassin : working title
« Quoi de neuf, pussycat? » La femme Nikita
part SEARCH (‘Quoi…’) part ‘CLEAN’ (‘Nikita’) cleaning agent
panel 9 text field twelve
Research :
component ‘Z’ AS :
either TXT ENT
(onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseEnter onMouseWithin onMouseLeave)
or ALL
component ‘Z’ NOT AS : to be determined .
window 10 text field thirteen
Q 3
panel 10 text field fourteen
Should ‘enquiry’ be only REMOTELY or TANGENTIALLY related to other [2] components?
As it is : it is more ‘routemaster’ than searching enquirer .
window 11 text field fifteen
A 3
panel 11 text field sixteen
None at time of writing .
CONCLUDE : Z should be [re]assigned to the status of SWITCHing device or ALTernatively Z should provide ENTRY to :
(a) a discourse on X and Y
(b) a parallel text contextual to X or Y or X+Y
(c) a tracing agency
(d) an ‘interrupt’ (or an ‘assassin’)
end of part02