according to the hour of the day memoranda

4 August 2008

oh the ex-pence…

oh the ex-pence…

working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application : multiple texts within transparent ‘text fields’ form a palimpsest upon the main window (‘main window’) and are replaced with those (also set within transparent ‘text fields’) of a descending panel (“attached window; ‘main panel’”), which descends [a number of times] to deposit these texts; two ‘dialog boxes’ displayed as ‘attached sheets’ open and close the entire sequence

menu bar
menu title ‘oh the ex-pence’

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’

window 1 ‘Income 04/2008 to 04/2009’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Basic State Pension (£88.89 p.w.)”
text field 2 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Pre 97 Additional State Pension (£38.24 p.w.)”
text field 3 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Graduated Retirement Benefit (£03.41 p.w.)”
text field 4 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Pension Credit (£17.12 p.w.; not the ‘guaranteed credit’ but a ‘savings credit’ subject to 5 year assessment)”
text field 5 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Total weekly income: £147.66”

attached panel 1 ‘Other awards and benefits’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Housing Benefit (£71.41 p.w., £266.36 per 4 wks, paid directly to housing association as payment of Housing Assn. rent of £73.92 p.w., £321.24 p.m. ‘…the law says you need to live on’ (local authority assessment letter) £143.80 p.w. ‘excess income £03.86, Housing Benefit = Rent Amount used £73.92, less 65% of excess income’ (£02.51); tenant to pay £10.04 p.m. to landlord from Aug ’08 (£10.28 now)”
text field 2 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax Benefit (£12.16 p.w.) of Council Tax of £12.93 p.w. ‘…less 20% of excess income’ (local authority assessment letter) £00.77, amount to pay £40.25 p.a. (£899.28, minus 25% single occupier discount, minus CTBenefit £634.21)”
text field 3 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Annual Fuel Payment £200 (2007 level)”
text field 4 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Certificate HC2, to be applied for by the individual ‘for full help with health costs’, subject to 5 year assessment”
text field 5 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“National Free Bus Pass valid for 5 years”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’

window 2 ‘Annual Income’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“State Retirement Pension + Pension Credit, April ’08 to April ’09”
text field 2 (delay transfer 1sec)
text field 3 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Housing Benefit £3,713.32”
text field 4 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Council Tax Benefit £0,634.21 ”
text field 5 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Annual Fuel Payment £0,200.00”

attached panel 2 ‘Outgoings details (based over past 4 quarters)’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Telephone and Broadband: approx £360 p.a. (Direct Debit monthly, BT)”
text field 2 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Water: (unmetered) £234.49 p.a., £23.44 paid 10 monthly at PO using Payment Card”
text field 3 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Gas: (British Gas), last 4 quarters total (Sept ’07 to June ’08) £235 (inc VAT), random advance amounts paid at PO using Payment Card, with balance paid online quarterly”
text field 4 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Electricity: (British Gas), last 4 quarters total (Sept ’07 to July ’08) £234 (inc VAT, less Dual Fuel Discount), paid online quarterly”
text field 5 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“TV Licence: £135.50 p.a., random amounts paid at PayPoint in advance using TV Licensing Savings Card, final payment online ”
text field 6 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax contribution £40.25 (for year ’08/’09)”
text field 7 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Rent contribution £123.36 (for year Aug ’07 to Aug ’08)”
text field 8 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Home Contents Insurance with Age Concern annual premium £44.15”

window 3 ‘Annual Income’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£7,678.32 p.a.”
attached panel 3 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Electricity £0,234.00”

window 4 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 4 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Gas £0,235.00”

window 5 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 5 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Tel/Broadband £0.360.00”

window 6 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 6 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Water £0,234.49”

window 7 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 7 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“TV Licence £0,135.50”

window 8 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 8 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax £0,040.25”

window 9 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 9 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Housing Association Rent £0,123.36”

window 10 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
attached panel 10 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Contents Insurance £0,044.15”

window 11 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,271.82 p.a. (£522.65 p.m., or £120.60 p.w.)”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’

end of working text

28 July 2008

that suitable vagueness…

‘that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms’

working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application : multiple texts within transparent ‘text fields’ form a palimpsest upon the main window (‘main window’) and are replaced with those (also set within transparent ‘text fields’) of a descending panel (“attached window; ‘main panel’”), which drops to deposit these texts; two ‘dialog boxes’ displayed as ‘attached sheets’ open and close each sequence

menu bar
menu title “that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”

window 1 ‘that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms’
‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘random one word from title’
text line 1 ‘random one word from title’
text line 2 ‘random one word from title’
text field ‘text one’
“that suitable vagueness…
…expressed in precise terms
screen text-work 2008
Josef Pauwel
Studio Pepersaus
Oelegem Belgique”
text field ‘text two’
“that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”

panel 1 ‘panel one’
text field ‘text one’
“that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”
text field ‘text two’
“that suitable vagueness…
…expressed in precise terms
screen text-work 2008
Josef Pauwel
Studio Pepersaus
Oelegem Belgique”
‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘random word from title’
text line 1 ‘random word from title’
text line 2 ‘random word from title’

window 2 ‘that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms
‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘random word from title’
text line 1 ‘random word from title’
text line 2 ‘random word from title’
text field ‘text one two’
“that suitable vagueness…
…expressed in precise terms
screen text-work 2008
Josef Pauwel
Studio Pepersaus
Oelegem Belgique”
text field ‘text two two’
“that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”

panel 2 ‘panel two’
text field ‘text one two’
“that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”
text field ‘text two two’
“that suitable vagueness…
…expressed in precise terms
screen text-work 2008
Josef Pauwel
Studio Pepersaus
Oelegem Belgique”
‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘random one word from title’
text line 1 ‘random word from title’
text line 2 ‘random word from title’

text by Josef Pauwel

end of working text