working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application : multiple texts within transparent ‘text fields’ form a palimpsest upon the main window (‘main window’) and are replaced with those (also set within transparent ‘text fields’) of a descending panel (“attached window; ‘main panel’”), which descends [a number of times] to deposit these texts; two ‘dialog boxes’ displayed as ‘attached sheets’ open and close the entire sequence
menu bar
menu title ‘oh the ex-pence’
‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’
window 1 ‘Income 04/2008 to 04/2009’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Basic State Pension (£88.89 p.w.)”text field 2 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Pre 97 Additional State Pension (£38.24 p.w.)”text field 3 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Graduated Retirement Benefit (£03.41 p.w.)”text field 4 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Pension Credit (£17.12 p.w.; not the ‘guaranteed credit’ but a ‘savings credit’ subject to 5 year assessment)”text field 5 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Total weekly income: £147.66”attached panel 1 ‘Other awards and benefits’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Housing Benefit (£71.41 p.w., £266.36 per 4 wks, paid directly to housing association as payment of Housing Assn. rent of £73.92 p.w., £321.24 p.m. ‘…the law says you need to live on’ (local authority assessment letter) £143.80 p.w. ‘excess income £03.86, Housing Benefit = Rent Amount used £73.92, less 65% of excess income’ (£02.51); tenant to pay £10.04 p.m. to landlord from Aug ’08 (£10.28 now)”text field 2 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax Benefit (£12.16 p.w.) of Council Tax of £12.93 p.w. ‘…less 20% of excess income’ (local authority assessment letter) £00.77, amount to pay £40.25 p.a. (£899.28, minus 25% single occupier discount, minus CTBenefit £634.21)”text field 3 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Annual Fuel Payment £200 (2007 level)”text field 4 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Certificate HC2, to be applied for by the individual ‘for full help with health costs’, subject to 5 year assessment”text field 5 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“National Free Bus Pass valid for 5 years”‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’
window 2 ‘Annual Income’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“State Retirement Pension + Pension Credit, April ’08 to April ’09”text field 2 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£7,678.32”text field 3 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Housing Benefit £3,713.32”text field 4 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Council Tax Benefit £0,634.21 ”text field 5 (delay transfer 1sec)
“Annual Fuel Payment £0,200.00”attached panel 2 ‘Outgoings details (based over past 4 quarters)’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Telephone and Broadband: approx £360 p.a. (Direct Debit monthly, BT)”text field 2 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Water: (unmetered) £234.49 p.a., £23.44 paid 10 monthly at PO using Payment Card”text field 3 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Gas: (British Gas), last 4 quarters total (Sept ’07 to June ’08) £235 (inc VAT), random advance amounts paid at PO using Payment Card, with balance paid online quarterly”text field 4 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Electricity: (British Gas), last 4 quarters total (Sept ’07 to July ’08) £234 (inc VAT, less Dual Fuel Discount), paid online quarterly”text field 5 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“TV Licence: £135.50 p.a., random amounts paid at PayPoint in advance using TV Licensing Savings Card, final payment online ”text field 6 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax contribution £40.25 (for year ’08/’09)”text field 7 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Rent contribution £123.36 (for year Aug ’07 to Aug ’08)”text field 8 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Home Contents Insurance with Age Concern annual premium £44.15”window 3 ‘Annual Income’
attached panel 3 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 4 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 4 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 5 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 5 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 6 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 6 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 7 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 7 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 8 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 8 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 9 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 9 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 10 ‘leaving balance of’
attached panel 10 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
window 11 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£7,678.32 p.a.”attached panel 3 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Electricity £0,234.00”window 4 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£7,444.32”attached panel 4 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Gas £0,235.00”window 5 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£7,209.32”attached panel 5 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Tel/Broadband £0.360.00”window 6 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,849.32”attached panel 6 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Water £0,234.49”window 7 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,614.83”attached panel 7 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“TV Licence £0,135.50”window 8 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,479.33”attached panel 8 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Council Tax £0,040.25”window 9 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,439.33”attached panel 9 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Housing Association Rent £0,123.36”window 10 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,315.97”attached panel 10 ‘Less Annual Outgoing of’
text field 1 to be replaced by panel text transfer (delay 1sec)
“Contents Insurance £0,044.15”window 11 ‘leaving balance of’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“£6,271.82 p.a. (£522.65 p.m., or £120.60 p.w.)”‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘condition’
text line 1 ‘Male, aged 67, b.1941, divorced, retirement status selected on 65th birthday (April 2006)’
text line 2 ‘[assured] tenant in social housing (unfurnished 1 bedroom flat, gas-fired central heating / hot water)’
end of working text