according to the hour of the day memoranda

22 October 2009

the art of…

The Art of Work (in preparation)

Working text for automatic screen text application : a number of texts placed on ‘attached panels’ are transferred to the main window’s text fields, replacing the contents of the latter with those of the former

window 1 ‘the art of work window’
window text 1 :

window text 2 :

window text 3 :
O N STEIN 2009
Oelegem Belgium

attached panel 1 ‘the art of work panelling’
panel text 1 :
The ART of WORK lies in the fact that it is at base a commonplace operation set to order—the manipulation of the minimum achieving control of the maximum—

attached panel 2 ‘the art of work panelling’
panel text 2 :
The MACHINE is represented as a succession of tasks and the STORY as a serial of unfolding acts .

attached panel 3 ‘the art of work panelling’
panel text 3 :
If IDEAS are no more than a set of operations
then the primary value of the work lies in being made then unmade in “real time” on a screen or on a network of screens .


Text by O N Stein 2009
with the aid of Josef Pauwels and Nina Zammit-Zorn / ZAMZO Productions
Based on an original text by Jeff Instone 1994

end of working text

the curious incident…

The curious incident…

One summer evening in 1570, under Roxy Sultana of the Sultanate of Women, consulting epicurist Erlok Olmis and his eunuch Watsis relax in little grey cells beneath Constantinople’s Street of the Bakers.

“Bas bleu, Watsis!” exclaims Olmis, “The curious incident of the dog in the sack!”

In the nearby Coffeehouse of The Henna Headed Horde an Iranian Adlerphone plays Fairuz's jaunty “Shat Iskandaria”.

“?” from Watsis, impotently.

“Elementary” gurgles Olmis from his hubble-bubble. “Read my monograph Sack Fall Under Suleiman Diminuendo. In executing our peerless Ottoman jurisprudence we place a living dog in a sack with the ‘perp’, and cast them deep into the dark Bosphorus. Yet on this occasion…”

“…Olmis!” interrupts Watsis, “The dog did nothing in the sack! Lose we something in migration?”

Competition entry 2009

16 July 2009

intercourse under update

on unrealized intercourse with an intelligent building

var window →
part 00

window[0] → on (unrealized) intercourse with →

by means of


and SEARCH-engine

panel[0] → „on (not) flagging a dead cause“ →
screen TEXT (with 3 main components)

part 00 ends
part 01

window[1] → intelligent building (X) → screen installation (Y) →
enquiry agency (Z) → screen installation (Y) → intelligent building (X)


panel[1] → Q. should X Y or Z ACT as a focal point providing entry

should all 3 act inter-dependently while providing ENTRY each to other?

A. none at time of writing

part 01 ends
part 02

window[2] → intelligent building project X → by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi

multi-screen installation project Y → we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here

search-engine and navigation project Z → (a) « quoi de neuf pussycat? »
→ (b) la femme Nikita


X YZ ((by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi)→(we’re here because we’re here
because we’re here because we’re here)→(la femme Nikita))

XZ Y ((by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi)→(la femme Nikita→(we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here))

Z YX ((la femme Nikita)→(we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
because we’re here)→(by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

YZX ((we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here)
→(la femme Nikita)→(by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi)

panel[2] → Q. if the skeletal or bare-bones or outline structure provided by X → FORM

and (FORM → CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE of major and minor elements within an organization

clearly defined so that the structure operates in full
[or limited full] comprehension of itself)

* ‘full’ in terms of the artificial language used * ‘limited’ in terms of natural language

and if the contextually loaded Y → CONTENT
(CONTENT → the major NARRATIVE containing lesser NARRATION composed
independently of the structure of the work to provide a social and political CONTEXTUALITY)

and if Z possesses neither FORM nor CONTENT (other than in the most minimal sense)
it may be an irrelevant or dysfunctional element

what is the value of Z?

A. none at time of writing

and if also Z → a VACANCY for the insertion of user procedures and as such represents
an ACT or an opportunity to act

then Z represents the human interface and as such need have no ID

part 02 ends
part 03

window[3] → 1. project X → building management system(s) and sensors

by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi

research → core aims and objectives of the intelligent building
→ available commercial mission statements and so on

component X AS → shaping structure → umbrella → ignition and running procedures

component X NOT AS → not known at time of writing

Q. should the database of the intelligent building be read as or seen to be in addition
to its functionality as possessing content which may or may not be meaningful?

CONCLUDE → the intelligent building supplies a [conceptual] structure
and meaningful content is in the mind’s eye of the user → unless a basic or simplified
or pidgin language is inserted to come between X and Y

Q. what purpose would the insertion of a natural language serve at this point?

A. none at time of writing

2. project Y → multi-screen installation → we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here

research → conceptual structures → J F Sowa → AI mental modelling

Component Y AS → ignition & running in response to [aspects of] X

component Y NOT AS → standalone available for direct user response

Q1. should installation run independently?

CONCLUDE → PLAY independent of X and Z demotes the notion of COMMUNALITY
but promotes the idea of INDIVIDUATION

panel[3] → 3. project Z → guardian → tracing agent → assassin →

« Quoi de neuf, pussycat? » la femme Nikita

part SEARCH (Quoi…) part CLEAN (Ni-ki-ta) (cleaning agent)

research → component Z AS →
either TXT ENT
(onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseEnter onMouse Within onMouseLeave)
or ALL

component Z NOT AS → to be determined

Q2. should enquiry be only remotely or tangentially related to other [2] components?

as it is → it is more routemaster than searching enquirer

A2. none at time of writing

CONCLUDE → Z should be [re]assigned to the status of SWITCHing device
or ALTternatively Z should provide ENTRY to →
(a) a discourse on X and Y
(b) a parallel text contextual to X or Y or X + Y
(c) a tracing agency
(d) an interrupt (or an assassin)

part 03 ends
part 04

window[4] → BUILDING → X → conceptual structure → by-m-by…

intelligence of which is unknown at this stage but will include →
air conditioning alarms cctv emergency notification devices filtration units fire sprinkler
floor robotics heating lift light network power storage sensors solar activation stair (fold unfold up down) swipes timing and temperature control ventilation

implementation → diversification of individual components
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
unspecified manifestation at this point → speech or text messages → natural language interface
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
inward outreach from


panel[4] → regulation of topic selection and running of installation results
from unwitting consultation with the intelligent building X

MULTISCREEN INSTALLATION Y → we’re here because…

assets of which are → free running topics prepared earlier of a socio-political nature
plus concurrent screen instruction in scripting language with samples


feeding into Y is Z

switch off change direction alter selection
↑ENQUIRY AGENT 00 Z « Quoi de neuf pussycat? »

ENQUIRY AGENT 01 → Z → la femme Nikita

to direct interrupt and redirect or empowered to clean or to provide
an online or networked commentary or summary or footnotes

part 04 ends
part 05


in this hyperpolis ( * the city of electronic signage of JMG le Clézio’s → THE GIANTS )
there are 3 (or 4) significant areas

(although each (subroutines) may (areas) have within →

. component X → the building → formerly by-m-by… is now ex nihilo nihil fit
(from nothing comes nothing)

Q. does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

A. none at time of writing

component Y → the site specific screens and projections installation →

(site(s) as yet unspecified → formerly ‘we’re here because we’re here…’
now obscurum per obscurius (the obscure explained by the even more obscure)

supports [previously prepared] non-sequential writing

NB. the regulation of topic selection and the running of installation obscurum per obscurius
is a product of its unwitting or witless consultation with intelligent building x nihilo…

panel[5] → texts to include for example →
(a) the index of evil → opportunities for financial investment in international terrorism
→ make a killing!

(b) concierge capitalism and the decline of socialism → a call for the resurrection
of anarcho-syndicalism and a call for cost the limit of price

(c) edge-breaking-ground-cutting → odd terminology in the service of empire building (academic → commercial and military) and other means to repression

(d) on not looking into [the] Chapmans’ œuvre → the Emin-ic trivialization of the visual arts → its conceptual innit?

NB. screen and projection work obscurum per… also to provide
a concurrently running instruction in scripting language

Q. does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

A. none at time of writing

and as an adjunct to obscurum per… the component Z or ZZ factor supports orderly enquiry (search or navigation) from « quoi…» + clean (or kill ) from Ni-ki-ta

part 05 ends
text ends


(the necessary and sufficient condition for a textual system
to exhibit general intelligent action is that it be a textual symbol system)
from a ‘prepared script’ by Jeff Instone 2003

a ZAMZO text work and online production 2009

1 March 2009

on comic relief

Working text for automatic screen text application : texts placed in descending ‘attached panels’ are transferred to ‘window’ text fields, replacing the contents of the latter with those of the former

menu bar
menu title 1 on comic relief economy and red-noses

window 1 ‘window’
While adolescent I saw Haile Selassie King of Kings and Elect of God ride through Valletta

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
a dignified khaki clad stick insect on a white horse accompanied by silken parasols and fat British generals

window 2 ‘window’
In early middle age I watched an amused but suitably aloof Servalan

attached panel 2 ‘panel’

bring the Knightsbridge traffic to a confused halt from the driving seat of her white Mini

window 3 ‘window’
A little later I stood nonplussed upon a pavement in Poznan before the well articulated window display of the Used Nail Shop

attached panel 3 ‘panel’
as socialism geared itself up to fizzle out

window 4 ‘window’
Now an old man I watch the greed of Scotsmen unfolding as a well loaded backdrop

attached panel 4 ‘panel’
to the screwing down of the lid on Middle England

‘attached sheet’ X —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘button’
True comic relief at last

end of working text

11 February 2009

var fuzzy kissing

Variable fuzzy kissing last year in Marienbad [with] saucy vagueness

[Not] because thought is fuzzy but because words are

Working text for automatic screen text application : texts placed in descending ‘attached panels’ are transferred to ‘window’ text fields, replacing the contents of the latter with those of the former : 2 versions of the application written using JavaScript and AppleScript

var fuzzysettheory = new makeArray(4)
fuzzysettheory[0] = “Let S be a set and s a number”
fuzzysettheory[1] = “F of S (a fuzzy subset”
fuzzysettheory[2] = “mF(s) = membership function [the degree to which] s belongs to F
fuzzysettheory[3] = “[is] possibility theory as a means to measure”
function rand(n){

var kissing = new makeArray(4)
kissing[0] = “A kiss is still not just a kiss [that is] a kiss is an osculatory gallimaufry of abstraction and notional relationships”
kissing[1] = “in which a form of touch known as kiss takes place through the agency of a person or persons using as an instrument a part lips in an appropriate manner tenderly
kissing[2] = “So in terms of pedagogic notation or bony grammar a mental model simulation or prototype is assembled”
kissing[3] = “which draws attention as much to the path toward formation as to form itself”
function rand(n){

var lastyearinmarienbad = new makeArray(4)
lastyearinmarienbad[0] = “Along these corridors and through these rooms”
lastyearinmarienbad[1] = “Silent rooms where the sound of footsteps is absorbed by carpets so heavy”
lastyearinmarienbad[2] = “So thick that all sound escapes the ear”
lastyearinmarienbad[3] = “As if the ear itself were very far from the ground”
function rand(n){

var saus = new makeArray(4)
saus[0] = “Ketchup is ketchup! Of toch niet?”
saus[1] = “Bij barbecues gourmettes en iedere dag bij vlees en snacks”
saus[2] = “In heel Europa winnen de pastamaaltijden in snel tempo aan populariteit”
saus[3] = “ finishing touch!”
function rand(n){

var vagueness = new makeArray(1)
fuzzyset[0] = “That suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”
function rand(n){

Script for a new work by
Nina Zammit-Zorn and Josef Pauwels 2009

Based on an original text by Jeff Instone
Construction and window/panel articulation Studio Pepersaus
Vaartstraat 126a
B-2520 Oelegem