according to the hour of the day memoranda

11 February 2009

var fuzzy kissing

Variable fuzzy kissing last year in Marienbad [with] saucy vagueness

[Not] because thought is fuzzy but because words are

Working text for automatic screen text application : texts placed in descending ‘attached panels’ are transferred to ‘window’ text fields, replacing the contents of the latter with those of the former : 2 versions of the application written using JavaScript and AppleScript

var fuzzysettheory = new makeArray(4)
fuzzysettheory[0] = “Let S be a set and s a number”
fuzzysettheory[1] = “F of S (a fuzzy subset”
fuzzysettheory[2] = “mF(s) = membership function [the degree to which] s belongs to F
fuzzysettheory[3] = “[is] possibility theory as a means to measure”
function rand(n){

var kissing = new makeArray(4)
kissing[0] = “A kiss is still not just a kiss [that is] a kiss is an osculatory gallimaufry of abstraction and notional relationships”
kissing[1] = “in which a form of touch known as kiss takes place through the agency of a person or persons using as an instrument a part lips in an appropriate manner tenderly
kissing[2] = “So in terms of pedagogic notation or bony grammar a mental model simulation or prototype is assembled”
kissing[3] = “which draws attention as much to the path toward formation as to form itself”
function rand(n){

var lastyearinmarienbad = new makeArray(4)
lastyearinmarienbad[0] = “Along these corridors and through these rooms”
lastyearinmarienbad[1] = “Silent rooms where the sound of footsteps is absorbed by carpets so heavy”
lastyearinmarienbad[2] = “So thick that all sound escapes the ear”
lastyearinmarienbad[3] = “As if the ear itself were very far from the ground”
function rand(n){

var saus = new makeArray(4)
saus[0] = “Ketchup is ketchup! Of toch niet?”
saus[1] = “Bij barbecues gourmettes en iedere dag bij vlees en snacks”
saus[2] = “In heel Europa winnen de pastamaaltijden in snel tempo aan populariteit”
saus[3] = “ finishing touch!”
function rand(n){

var vagueness = new makeArray(1)
fuzzyset[0] = “That suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms”
function rand(n){

Script for a new work by
Nina Zammit-Zorn and Josef Pauwels 2009

Based on an original text by Jeff Instone
Construction and window/panel articulation Studio Pepersaus
Vaartstraat 126a
B-2520 Oelegem