menu bar
menu title 1 on comic relief economy and red-noses
window 1 ‘window’
While adolescent I saw Haile Selassie King of Kings and Elect of God ride through Valletta
While adolescent I saw Haile Selassie King of Kings and Elect of God ride through Valletta
attached panel 1 ‘panel’
a dignified khaki clad stick insect on a white horse accompanied by silken parasols and fat British generals
window 2 ‘window’
In early middle age I watched an amused but suitably aloof Servalan
attached panel 2 ‘panel’
bring the Knightsbridge traffic to a confused halt from the driving seat of her white Mini
window 3 ‘window’
A little later I stood nonplussed upon a pavement in Poznan before the well articulated window display of the Used Nail Shop
A little later I stood nonplussed upon a pavement in Poznan before the well articulated window display of the Used Nail Shop
attached panel 3 ‘panel’
as socialism geared itself up to fizzle out
window 4 ‘window’
Now an old man I watch the greed of Scotsmen unfolding as a well loaded backdrop
attached panel 4 ‘panel’
to the screwing down of the lid on Middle England
‘attached sheet’ X —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘button’
True comic relief at last
end of working text