menu item extirpation
pull-down menu item 1 - serving suggestion 1
window a assassinatioN lite
asphyxiate - today
a [bucolic] Countryside Alliance supporter
button indeterminate
asphyxiate - today
a [bucolic] Countryside Alliance supporter
button indeterminate
assassination lite
panel aserving suggestion
button terminate
any wearer of the Barbour waxed cotton jacket
pull-down menu item 2 - serving suggestion 2
window b assassinatiO lite
decapitate - today
a [sub-human] knobhead twatboy
button indeterminat
assassination lite
decapitate - today
a [sub-human] knobhead twatboy
button indeterminat
assassination lite
panel b
serving suggestion
button terminat
any ear-ringed clip-headed body-painted girly-man
pull-down menu item 3 serving suggestion 3
window c assassinatI lite
eviscerate - today
a supporter of [net-curtain] Nazism
button indetermina
assassination lite
eviscerate - today
a supporter of [net-curtain] Nazism
button indetermina
assassination lite
panel c
serving suggestion
button termina
any reader of Daily Mail & General Trust News Publications
pull-down menu item 4 - serving suggestion 4
window d assassinaT lite
immolate - today
a [handy][mobile][portable] phone owner
button indetermin
assassination lite
immolate - today
a [handy][mobile][portable] phone owner
button indetermin
assassination lite
panel d
serving suggestion
button termin
any Motorola V980 3G [clamshell camera] phone user
pull-down menu item 5 - serving suggestion 5
window e assassinA lite
impale - today
a print [broadsheet] journalist
button indetermi
assassination lite
impale - today
a print [broadsheet] journalist
button indetermi
assassination lite
panel e
serving suggestion
button termi
any reporter under contract to Press Holdings International
pull-down menu item 6 - serving suggestion 6
window f assassiN lite
garrotte - today
a private [owner-driver] motorist
button indeterm
assassination lite
garrotte - today
a private [owner-driver] motorist
button indeterm
assassination lite
panel f
serving suggestion
button term
any owner of a Freelander XEi 3 door hardback with roof rails
pull-down menu item 7 - serving suggestion 7
window g assassI lite
extirpate - today
a [putative] parliamentary politician
button indeter
assassination lite
extirpate - today
a [putative] parliamentary politician
button indeter
assassination lite
panel g
serving suggestion
button ter
any Conservative Party first time candidate elected May 2005
pull-down menu item 8 - serving suggestion 8
window h assasS lite
garrotte - today
a zealous [business] entrepreneur
button indete
assassination lite
garrotte - today
a zealous [business] entrepreneur
button indete
assassination lite
panel h
serving suggestion
button te
any individual praised by the Confederation of British Industry
pull-down menu item 9 - serving suggestion 9
window i assaS lite
impale - today
a [further or higher education] lecturer
button indet
assassination lite
impale - today
a [further or higher education] lecturer
button indet
assassination lite
panel i
serving suggestion
button t
any sophistic tutor of imaginative critical practice
pull-down menu item 10 - serving suggestion 10
window j assA lite
immolate - today
a [sanctimonious] evangelical
button inde
assassination lite
immolate - today
a [sanctimonious] evangelical
button inde
assassination lite
panel j
serving suggestion
button et
any proselytizer for the bigotry of hyperorthodoxy
pull-down menu item 11 - serving suggestion 11
window k asS lite
eviscerate - today
a fine art [new media] practitioner
button ind
assassination lite
eviscerate - today
a fine art [new media] practitioner
button ind
assassination lite
panel k
serving suggestion
button ret
any artist referring to human-centred interactive design
pull-down menu item 12 - serving suggestion 12
window l aS lite
decapitate - today
a [self styled] executive producer
button in
assassination lite
decapitate - today
a [self styled] executive producer
button in
assassination lite
panel l
serving suggestion
button mret
Mario Eugenio Tavares - more about him later
pull-down menu item 13 - serving suggestion 13
window m A lite
asphyxiate - today
a [porcine] suburbanite
button i
assassination lite
asphyxiate - today
a [porcine] suburbanite
button i
assassination lite
panel m
serving suggestion
button imret
any corpulent jobbernowl from Laburnum Grove
end of working text
Jeff Instone - from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect - a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East
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