according to the hour of the day memoranda

7 October 2007

the ad reinhardt

the ad reinhardt
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

menu bar
menu title 1 the ad reinhardt
menu title 2 an intelligent building

window 1 ‘window’
“It was never my intention to make black paintings, and it still isn’t…”

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘black’
It was never my intention to realize intercourse
with an intelligent building, and it still isn’t

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
“…the black is just a means of exposing the elements of the painting.”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘black’
the intelligent building is just
a means of exposing the elements of the process

end of working text

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