// The outline of an identity : Jeff Instone is now aged 71 ; this list is in REVERSE chronological order
var DigitalMediaWorkOne 2012—2007
(With NinaZammit-Zorn And ZX191724B) = new makeArray(4)
DigitalMediaWorkOne[0] = “2009 Publication of ‘Intercourse’ in ‘/seconds issue 11’ September/2009 online magazine UK”
DigitalMediaWorkOne[1] = “2008 Publication of ‘Cat Mat Sat’ in ‘/seconds issue 9’ Oct/2008 online magazine UK”
DigitalMediaWorkOne[2] = “2008 Publication of ‘Cat on Spec’ Fall/Winter 2008/9 edition of Specs Journal Rollins College Florida USA Inclusion of JavaScript version on 2008 online edition
DigitalMediaWorkOne[3] = “2007 Award for screen-shots from ‘Net-curtain Nazism in Middle England’ publ. Mute / Culture and politics after the net Vol 2 #6 ‘Living in a Bubble: Credit debt and crisis’”
function rand(n){
var DigitalMediaWorkTwo 2007—2000 = new makeArray(7)
(work in progress) in part-time residence at pva Labculture from 2004 working on the development of screen installations which use Mac OSX AppleScript to activate applications and automate machine to machine instruction across a network”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[1] = “IN THE IMPERFECT PRESENT : IN THE FUTURE PERFECT Development funded by Arts Council England South East”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[2] = “VIEW (THE SOCIAL FIELD) JavaScript (unshown)”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[3] = “TEXTLAB trAce Online Writing Centre Nottingham Trent University”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[4] = “AT ED INSTONE’S AUTOS JavaScript search-engine Commissioned for Burning Bush 2 University of Dundee”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[5] = “LABCULTURE 2 BURSARY
pva MediaLab Project at Lighthouse Brighton”
DigitalMediaWorkTwo[6] = “QUOI DE NEUF PUSSYCAT? JavaScript search-engine Artist in residence at CAMAC France”
function rand(n){
var DigitalMediaWorkThree 2000—1992 = new makeArray(8)
DigitalMediaWorkThree[0] = “SO SPOKE THE RUSKIN MASTER JavaScript Internet work As EUROPEAN MEDIA ARTIST IN RESIDENCE EXCHANGE (EMARE) The Werkleitz Gesellschaft Germany”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[1] = “NEVER HEARD OF THAT HANDLER SuperCard standalone for MacOS
Bursary to use facilities made available by Loughborough University of Technology”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[2] = “MICRONET EXPURGATOR 1 JavaScript Internet work Commission from var e-zine Cambridge”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[3] = “THE WORD BEYOND SPEECH II : KISS THE BONY STRUCTURE Internet commission with Julian Weaver from Camerawork London launched at Transmediale 97 Berlin and Ostranenie 97 Electronic Media Forum Bauhaus Dessau now archived at and also”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[4] = “THE WORD BEYOND SPEECH I SuperCard standalone for MacOS Idea and construction
Jeff Instone sound files Julian Weaver limited edition CD-ROM launched VIDEOFEST 8 Berlin”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[5] = “APARTHEID STAINED US FOREVER. CD-ROM publ. Electronic Arts component of Freedom in our Lifetime Commissioned by ANC / YO!SA designed at mindBath Interactive London”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[6] = “QUO VADIS JOE SIXPACK? SuperCard standalone for MacOS”
DigitalMediaWorkThree[7] = “FOREVER AMBER AT ZEBRA CROSSING Re-formed printer text publ. by Jeff Instone Publications”
function rand(n){
var PreDigitalMediaWork 1987—1974 = new makeArray(9)
PreDigitalMediaWork[0] = “ECHOES : MATT'S GALLERY London latex stencil text paintings”
PreDigitalMediaWork[0] = “TRANSFERS : AIR GALLERY London plaster cast text collages”
PreDigitalMediaWork[1] = “CASTS : MATT'S GALLERY London plaster cast radio transcripts”
PreDigitalMediaWork[2] = “SCRIPTS : GALERIA AKUMULATORY 2 Poznan written drawings”
PreDigitalMediaWork[3] = “479,970 NUMBERS ON
A TILED FLOOR : RIVERSIDE STUDIOS London written drawing”
PreDigitalMediaWork[4] = “69,000 WORDS ON
A BRICK WALL : MATT'S GALLERY London written drawing and publication of ‘Scripts’”
PreDigitalMediaWork[5] = “CRATYLUS : SAO PAOLO BIENNAL British Council exhibition”
PreDigitalMediaWork[6] = “SCRIPTS : GALERIA AKUMULATORY 2 Poznan written drawings”
PreDigitalMediaWork[7] = “THE TERRE VERTE VENUS PROBE : SERPENTINE GALLERY London written paintings extracts published in Bananas Literary Magazine Decipherment Issue”
PreDigitalMediaWork[8] = “WORDPRINTS : GALERI GRAFIKHUSET Stockholm screen prints”
function rand(n){
var BackGroundOne = new makeArray(4)
BackGroundOne[0] = “COLLECTIONS The British Council 1979 www.collection.British Neuer Berliner Kunstverein CD-ROM open digital archive 1998”
BackGroundOne[1] = “AWARDS The British Council,
Greater London Arts, GLA Publication Fund, The Elephant Trust, Southern Arts International Initiatives Fund, Southern Arts Development Fund, Arts Council England Awards to Individuals Scheme”
BackGroundOne[2] = “PUBLICATIONS Jeff Instone has written articles and reviews on John Blake, Peter Kennard, Jaroslaw Koslowski, John Murphy, Avis Newman, Cy Twombly and Richard Wilson (published in Art Monthly Artscribe International CV Journal of the Arts)”
BackGroundOne[3] = “EDUCATION St Martins College of Art & Design 1990-1992 (part-time) PGDip Computer Aided Graphic Design, Institute of Education London University 1963-1964 (full-time) Art Teachers Certification, Winchester School of Art 1959-1963 (full-time) National Diploma in Design (Painting), Intermediate Certificate in Art and Design”
function rand(n){
var BackGroundTwo = new makeArray(1)
BackGroundTwo[0] = “BACKGROUND b.1941 The above list sets out in reverse chronological order details of works made and shown from the mid 1970s to those now in progress, although in fact production began some 10 years earlier during the mid 1960s following a conventional post-war British and colonial state schooling, prescribed by the selective procedures of the time, followed by study at a regional vocational art and design school, providing an intellectually lack-lustre though technically absorbing skill based design education, one tending to view ‘experiment’ with some alarm until an abrupt volte-face in the regulation of art and design teaching led to a more innovative system, which confusedly, in the context of the early 1960s, appeared to look to the Bauhaus and 1930s Modernism for its inspiration; followed by a working life based in London with brief excursions on mainland Europe; particularly to Poland in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and brief periods as artist in residence in Germany in the late 1990s and France in 2001”
function rand(n){
var Contact = new makeArray(1)
Contact[0] = “, tel +44 (0)238 061 4665, mobile +44 (0)787 563 7761, skype: interruptusinstone, @ZX191724B”
function rand(n){