according to the hour of the day memoranda

14 June 2012

proposal update 2012

// I  work to prepared scripts allowing prominence to system and process
var ProposalOne = new makeArray(5)
      ProposalOne [0] = “To write a serial of process conscious
applications in AppleScript and Xcode to run across a network”
      ProposalOne [1] = “…Using as a starting point the script-editing
and compilation possibilities existing within Mac OSX”
      ProposalOne [2] = “(a) AppleScript”
      ProposalOne [3] = “(b) Developer (Xcode, Interface Builder)”
      ProposalOne [4] = “(c) Terminal (the Unix component of 
Mac OSX)”
function rand(n){

var ProposalTwo = new makeArray(3)
      ProposalTwo[0] = “To build an online textwork…”
      ProposalTwo[1] = “Using JavaScript to make use
of timed frame loading…”
      ProposalTwo[2] = “And the random selection of items
from prescribed source lists”
function rand(n){

var ProposalThree = new makeArray(1)
      ProposalThree[0] = “To install server software to examine 
the feasibility of individual artists setting up personal servers”
function rand(n){

var Context = new makeArray(3)
      Context[0] = “Work is the systematic organization of material, medium and time ; with some ‘random’ items placed within
the frame, in distant homage to Umberto Eco’s notion
of ‘cogito interruptus’” 
      Context[1] = “And should embody the desire of the bourgeois artworker ‘To find a way of routinizing even bureaucratizing
the exercise of the imagination’…” 
      Context[2] = “A quotation taken out of context as all quotations should be, from the concluding recommendations of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States ; The 9/11 Commission Report”
function rand(n){

var ArtOfTheMatter = new makeArray(3)
      ArtOfTheMatter[0] = “The ART of such a work lies in the fact that it is at base common-place operations set to order : 
the manipulation of the minimum achieving control
of the maximum”
      ArtOfTheMatter[1] = “If IDEAS are no more than a set
of operations then the first value of the work lies in being made then unmade in real time on a screen or a number of screens
or otherwise projected…”
     ArtOfTheMatter[2] = “The MACHINE represented as a succession of tasks and the STORY as a serial of un-folding
often unrelated actions”
function rand(n){

var MissionaryPositionA = new makeArray(4)
      MissionaryPositionA[0] = “To demonstrate the practice
of cogito interruptus as…”
      MissionaryPositionA[1] = “the routines and subroutines
of system events—as the message of the medium which builds itself only to deconstruct as a matter of course during the course of the work—using alphanumeric signage as the record
of the process of the work (in Ogden's Basic English or PNG Pidgin English)”
      MissionaryPositionA[2] = “To insert random reference matter into the events of the system to provide a layer of content irrelevant to the work as a whole”
      MissionaryPositionA[3] = “To insert polemic and cod-polemic references into the events of the system to provide a layer
of content as irrelevant to the work as the random inserts
referred to above but appearing to be of greater value owing
to the more serious nature of the references”
function rand(n){

var MissionaryPositionB—AndNotTo = new makeArray(4)
      MissionaryPositionB—AndNotTo[0] = “Record
moving imagery ; a partial narrative of negligible events”
      MissionaryPositionB—AndNotTo[1] = “Record and arrange photographic imagery ; a partial view of a negligible event”
      MissionaryPositionB—AndNotTo[2] = “Record music ;
a banal interruption of silence”
      MissionaryPositionB—AndNotTo[3] = “Celebrate
the conceit of individualism”
function rand(n){

// Jeff Instone 2012 

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