according to the hour of the day memoranda

28 September 2007

by the ART…


The ART of a digital media work lies in the ‘event’ that it is at base the common-place set to order : manipulation of the least controlling the most : and if IDEAS are no more than ‘a set of operations’ then the first value of the work lies in being made then unmade in sight in ‘real time’ on a screen or a number of screens…

…the MACHINE represented as a succession of tasks and the STORY as a serial of unfolding occasionally unrelated events

20 September 2007

by intelligent building…05

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

In this hyperpolis (*from the city of electronic signage of JMG le Clézio’s ‘The Giants’) there are 3 (or 4) significant areas (although each (subroutine) may (areas) have within :

panel 1 text field two

.component X : the building = formerly by-m-by…
is now ex nihilo nihil fit (out of nothing nothing comes)

window 2 text field three


panel 2 text field four

Does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

window 3 text field five


panel 3 text field six

None at time of writing .

window 4 text field seven

.component Y :
The site specific screens and projections installation : (site(s) as yet unspecified = formerly we’re here because we’re here…now obscurum per obscurius (the obscure explained by the even more obscure) supports [previously prepared] non-sequential writing

panel 4 text field eight

The regulation of topic selection and the running of installation obscurum per obscurius is a product of its unwitting or witless consultation with intelligent building x nihilo…
texts to include for example
(a) the index of evil opportunities for financial investment in international terrorism make a killing!
(b) concierge capitalism and the decline of socialism a call for the resurrection of anarcho-syndicalism and a call for cost the limit of price
(c) edge-breaking-ground-cutting odd terminology in the service of empire building (academic commercial and military) and other means to repression
(d) on not looking into [the] Chapmans’ œuvre the Emin-ic trivialization of the visual arts its conceptual innit?
NB screen and projection work obscurum per… also to provide a concurrently running instruction in scripting language

window 5 text field nine


panel 5 text field ten

Does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve

None at time of writing .

window 7 text field thirteen

And as an adjunct to obscurum per… the :

panel 7 text field fourteen

.component Z or ZZ factor supports orderly enquiry (search or navigation) from « quoi…» + clean (or kill ) from Ni-ki-ta
part04 concludes

end of working text

16 September 2007

by intelligent building…04

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

BUILDING X : conceptual structure : By-m-by…
‘intelligence’ [of which] is unknown at this stage but will include :

panel 1 text field two

air . alarms . closed circuit monitoring . filtration . heating . lighting . solar activation . sprinklers . swipe access . temperature and timing / sensors

window 2 text field three


implementation : diversification of individual components
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

panel 2 text field four

unspecified manifestation at this point - speech or text messages - natural language interface
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
inward / outreach from

window 3 text field five


regulation of topic selection and running of installation results from unwitting consultation with the intelligent building x

panel 3 text field six

MULTISCREEN INSTALLATION : Y : we’re here because…
assets of which are : free running topics prepared earlier of a socio-political nature plus concurrent screen instruction in scripting language with samples

window 4 text field seven

feeding into Y is Z
switch off change direction alter selection :

panel 4 text field eight

↑ENQUIRY AGENT 00 : Z : « quoi de neuf - pussycat? »
ENQUIRY AGENT 01 : Z : la femme Nikita↑
to direct interrupt and redirect or empowered to clean
or to provide an online or networked commentary or summary or footnotes

part03 concludes

14 September 2007

by intelligent building…03

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

1 . Project ‘X’
building management system(s) and ‘sensors’ : working title
‘By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi’

panel 1 text field two

Research :
core ‘aims and objectives’ of the ‘intelligent building’ : ‘mission statements’ and so on
component ‘X’ AS : shaping structure / umbrella / ignition and running procedures
component ‘X’ NOT AS : not known at time of writing

window 2 text field three

Q 1

panel 2 text field four

Should the ‘database’ of the intelligent building be read as or seen to be in addition to its functionality as possessing ‘content’ which may or may not be ‘meaningful’?

window 3 text field five


panel 3 text field six

the ‘intelligent building’ supplies a [conceptual] structure and ‘meaningful content’ is in the ‘mind’s eye’ of the user : unless a basic or simplified or ‘pidgin’ language is inserted to come between X and Y

window 4 text field seven

Q 1a

panel 4 text field eight

What purpose would the insertion of a natural language serve at this ‘point’?

window 5 text field nine

A 1

panel 5 text field nine

None at the time of writing .

window 6 text field ten

2 . Project ‘Y’
multi-screen installation : working title
‘We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here’

panel 6 text field ten

Research :
‘conceptual structures’ / J F Sowa / AI mental modelling
component ‘Y’ AS : ignition & running in response to [aspects of] X
component ‘Y’ NOT AS : standalone available for direct user response

window 7 text field eleven

Q 2

panel 7 text field eleven

Should installation run independently?

window 8 text field twelve

A 2

panel 8 text field twelve

None .
CONCLUDE : PLAY independent of X and Z demotes the notion of COMMUNALITY but promotes the idea of INDIVIDUATION

window 9 text field twelve

3 . Project ‘Z’
guardian / tracing agent / assassin : working title
« Quoi de neuf, pussycat? » La femme Nikita
part SEARCH (‘Quoi…’) part ‘CLEAN’ (‘Nikita’) cleaning agent

panel 9 text field twelve

Research :
component ‘Z’ AS :
either TXT ENT
(onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseEnter onMouseWithin onMouseLeave)
or ALL
component ‘Z’ NOT AS : to be determined .

window 10 text field thirteen
Q 3

panel 10 text field fourteen

Should ‘enquiry’ be only REMOTELY or TANGENTIALLY related to other [2] components?
As it is : it is more ‘routemaster’ than searching enquirer .

window 11 text field fifteen

A 3

panel 11 text field sixteen

None at time of writing .
CONCLUDE : Z should be [re]assigned to the status of SWITCHing device or ALTernatively Z should provide ENTRY to :
(a) a discourse on X and Y
(b) a parallel text contextual to X or Y or X+Y
(c) a tracing agency
(d) an ‘interrupt’ (or an ‘assassin’)

end of part02