according to the hour of the day memoranda

12 November 2007

about many texts

about ‘many texts’

working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application : multiple texts within transparent ‘text fields’ form a palimpsest upon the main window (‘main window’) and are replaced with those (also set within transparent ‘text fields’) of a descending panel (“attached window; ‘main panel’”), which descends [a number of times] to deposit these texts; two ‘dialog boxes’ displayed as ‘attached sheets’ open and close the entire sequence

menu bar
menu title 1 the many texts
menu title 2 to be written

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘button’
text line 1 ‘text line 1’
text line 2 ‘text line 2’
window 1 ‘main window’
text field 1 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 1”
text field 2 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 2”
text field 3 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 3”
text field 4 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 4”
text field 5 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 5”
text field 6 (delay transfer 1sec)
“text 6”

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
text field 1 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 1”
text field 2 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 2”
text field 3 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 3”
text field 4 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 4”
text field 5 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 5”
text field 6 to be replaced by transfer (delay reception 1sec)
“text 6”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘button’
text line 1 ‘text line 1’
text line 2 ‘text line 2’

end of working text

7 October 2007

the jeff instone

the jeff instone
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

menu bar
menu title 1 the jeff instone
menu title 2 an intelligent building

window 1 ‘window’
“It was never my intention to make text works, and it still isn’t…”

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘word’
It was never my intention to realize intercourse
with an intelligent building, and it still isn’t

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
“…the text is just a means of exposing the elements of the process.”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘word’
the intelligent building is just
a means of exposing the elements of the process

end of working text

the ad reinhardt

the ad reinhardt
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

menu bar
menu title 1 the ad reinhardt
menu title 2 an intelligent building

window 1 ‘window’
“It was never my intention to make black paintings, and it still isn’t…”

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘black’
It was never my intention to realize intercourse
with an intelligent building, and it still isn’t

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
“…the black is just a means of exposing the elements of the painting.”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘black’
the intelligent building is just
a means of exposing the elements of the process

end of working text

the robert ryman

the robert ryman
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

menu bar
menu title 1 the robert ryman
menu title 2 an intelligent building

window 1 ‘window’
“It was never my intention to make white paintings, and it still isn’t…”

‘attached sheet’ 1 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘white’
It was never my intention to realize intercourse
with an intelligent building, and it still isn’t

attached panel 1 ‘panel’
“…the white is just a means of exposing the elements of the painting.”

‘attached sheet’ 2 —a form of ‘dialog box’ —button ‘white’
the intelligent building is just
a means of exposing the elements of the process

end of working text

28 September 2007

by the ART…


The ART of a digital media work lies in the ‘event’ that it is at base the common-place set to order : manipulation of the least controlling the most : and if IDEAS are no more than ‘a set of operations’ then the first value of the work lies in being made then unmade in sight in ‘real time’ on a screen or a number of screens…

…the MACHINE represented as a succession of tasks and the STORY as a serial of unfolding occasionally unrelated events

20 September 2007

by intelligent building…05

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

In this hyperpolis (*from the city of electronic signage of JMG le Clézio’s ‘The Giants’) there are 3 (or 4) significant areas (although each (subroutine) may (areas) have within :

panel 1 text field two

.component X : the building = formerly by-m-by…
is now ex nihilo nihil fit (out of nothing nothing comes)

window 2 text field three


panel 2 text field four

Does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

window 3 text field five


panel 3 text field six

None at time of writing .

window 4 text field seven

.component Y :
The site specific screens and projections installation : (site(s) as yet unspecified = formerly we’re here because we’re here…now obscurum per obscurius (the obscure explained by the even more obscure) supports [previously prepared] non-sequential writing

panel 4 text field eight

The regulation of topic selection and the running of installation obscurum per obscurius is a product of its unwitting or witless consultation with intelligent building x nihilo…
texts to include for example
(a) the index of evil opportunities for financial investment in international terrorism make a killing!
(b) concierge capitalism and the decline of socialism a call for the resurrection of anarcho-syndicalism and a call for cost the limit of price
(c) edge-breaking-ground-cutting odd terminology in the service of empire building (academic commercial and military) and other means to repression
(d) on not looking into [the] Chapmans’ œuvre the Emin-ic trivialization of the visual arts its conceptual innit?
NB screen and projection work obscurum per… also to provide a concurrently running instruction in scripting language

window 5 text field nine


panel 5 text field ten

Does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?

window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve

None at time of writing .

window 7 text field thirteen

And as an adjunct to obscurum per… the :

panel 7 text field fourteen

.component Z or ZZ factor supports orderly enquiry (search or navigation) from « quoi…» + clean (or kill ) from Ni-ki-ta
part04 concludes

end of working text

16 September 2007

by intelligent building…04

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

BUILDING X : conceptual structure : By-m-by…
‘intelligence’ [of which] is unknown at this stage but will include :

panel 1 text field two

air . alarms . closed circuit monitoring . filtration . heating . lighting . solar activation . sprinklers . swipe access . temperature and timing / sensors

window 2 text field three


implementation : diversification of individual components
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

panel 2 text field four

unspecified manifestation at this point - speech or text messages - natural language interface
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
inward / outreach from

window 3 text field five


regulation of topic selection and running of installation results from unwitting consultation with the intelligent building x

panel 3 text field six

MULTISCREEN INSTALLATION : Y : we’re here because…
assets of which are : free running topics prepared earlier of a socio-political nature plus concurrent screen instruction in scripting language with samples

window 4 text field seven

feeding into Y is Z
switch off change direction alter selection :

panel 4 text field eight

↑ENQUIRY AGENT 00 : Z : « quoi de neuf - pussycat? »
ENQUIRY AGENT 01 : Z : la femme Nikita↑
to direct interrupt and redirect or empowered to clean
or to provide an online or networked commentary or summary or footnotes

part03 concludes

14 September 2007

by intelligent building…03

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

1 . Project ‘X’
building management system(s) and ‘sensors’ : working title
‘By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi’

panel 1 text field two

Research :
core ‘aims and objectives’ of the ‘intelligent building’ : ‘mission statements’ and so on
component ‘X’ AS : shaping structure / umbrella / ignition and running procedures
component ‘X’ NOT AS : not known at time of writing

window 2 text field three

Q 1

panel 2 text field four

Should the ‘database’ of the intelligent building be read as or seen to be in addition to its functionality as possessing ‘content’ which may or may not be ‘meaningful’?

window 3 text field five


panel 3 text field six

the ‘intelligent building’ supplies a [conceptual] structure and ‘meaningful content’ is in the ‘mind’s eye’ of the user : unless a basic or simplified or ‘pidgin’ language is inserted to come between X and Y

window 4 text field seven

Q 1a

panel 4 text field eight

What purpose would the insertion of a natural language serve at this ‘point’?

window 5 text field nine

A 1

panel 5 text field nine

None at the time of writing .

window 6 text field ten

2 . Project ‘Y’
multi-screen installation : working title
‘We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here’

panel 6 text field ten

Research :
‘conceptual structures’ / J F Sowa / AI mental modelling
component ‘Y’ AS : ignition & running in response to [aspects of] X
component ‘Y’ NOT AS : standalone available for direct user response

window 7 text field eleven

Q 2

panel 7 text field eleven

Should installation run independently?

window 8 text field twelve

A 2

panel 8 text field twelve

None .
CONCLUDE : PLAY independent of X and Z demotes the notion of COMMUNALITY but promotes the idea of INDIVIDUATION

window 9 text field twelve

3 . Project ‘Z’
guardian / tracing agent / assassin : working title
« Quoi de neuf, pussycat? » La femme Nikita
part SEARCH (‘Quoi…’) part ‘CLEAN’ (‘Nikita’) cleaning agent

panel 9 text field twelve

Research :
component ‘Z’ AS :
either TXT ENT
(onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseEnter onMouseWithin onMouseLeave)
or ALL
component ‘Z’ NOT AS : to be determined .

window 10 text field thirteen
Q 3

panel 10 text field fourteen

Should ‘enquiry’ be only REMOTELY or TANGENTIALLY related to other [2] components?
As it is : it is more ‘routemaster’ than searching enquirer .

window 11 text field fifteen

A 3

panel 11 text field sixteen

None at time of writing .
CONCLUDE : Z should be [re]assigned to the status of SWITCHing device or ALTernatively Z should provide ENTRY to :
(a) a discourse on X and Y
(b) a parallel text contextual to X or Y or X+Y
(c) a tracing agency
(d) an ‘interrupt’ (or an ‘assassin’)

end of part02

28 August 2007

of unrealized intercourse…02

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

intelligent building [project] ‘X’ working title :

panel 1 text field two

‘By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi’

window 2 text field three

multi-screen installation [project] ‘Y’ working title :

panel 2 text field four

‘We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here’

window 3 text field five

search-engine and navigation [project] ‘Z’ working title :

panel 3 text field six

(a) « Quoi de neuf, pussycat? »
(b) ‘La femme Nikita’

window 4 text field seven


panel 4 text field eight

((By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (La femme Nikita))

window 5 text field nine


panel 5 text field ten

((By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (La femme Nikita)(We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here))

window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve

((La femme Nikita) (We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

window 7 text field thirteen


panel 7 text field fourteen

((We’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (La femme Nikita) (By-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

window 8 text field fifteen


panel 8 text field sixteen

If the skeletal or bare-bones or outline structure
provided by X = FORM and
(FORM = CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE of major and minor elements within an organization : clearly defined so that the structure operates in full [or limited full] comprehension of itself)

* ‘full’ in terms of the artificial language used : * ‘limited’ in terms of ‘natural’ language

and if the contextually loaded Y = CONTENT
(CONTENT = the major NARRATIVE containing lesser NARRATION ‘composed’ independently of the structure of the work to provide a social and political CONTEXTUALITY)
and if Z =
possesses neither FORM nor CONTENT (other than in the most minimal sense) it may be an irrelevant or dysfunctional element :
what is the value of Z?

window 9 text field seventeen


panel 9 text field eighteen

None at time of writing .
(and if as well : Z = a VACANCY for the insertion of
‘user procedures’ and therefore represents an ACT or an opportunity to act then Z represents ‘the human interface’ and so need have no ID)

end of part01

of unrealized intercourse…01

on (unrealized) intercourse with…AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

intelligent building

panel 1 text field two


window 2 text field three

multi-screen installation

panel 2 text field four


window 3 text field five

enquiry agency

panel 3 text field six


window 4 text field seven

multi-screen installation

panel 4 text field eight


window 5 text field nine

intelligent building

panel 5 text field ten


window 6 text field eleven


panel 6 text field twelve


window 7 text field thirteen


panel 7 text field fourteen

Should X, Y, or Z ACT as focal point : providing entry, or should all 3 act independently while providing ENTRY each to other?

window 8 text field fifteen


panel 8 text field sixteen

None at time of writing .

end of part00

13 August 2007

of unrealized intercourse…00

on (unrealized) intercourse…with AN INTELLIGENT BUILDING .
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Xcode application

window 1 text field one

on (unrealized) intercourse with—
by means of—
A SEARCH-engine .

attached sheet 1 —a form of dialog box —button title00.1

display dialog ‘RANDOM suffix’ .xyz

panel 1 text field two :

“On (not) flagging a dead cause” . (multi-) screen TEXT (‘with 3 components’) .

attached sheet 2 —a form of dialog box —button title00.1

display dialog ‘random SUFFIX’ .XYZ

end of title00

on (unrealized) intercourse with an…INTELLIGENT BUILDING .

window 2 text field three

“On (not) flagging a dead cause” . (multi-) screen TEXT (‘with 3 components’) .

attached sheet 1 —a form of dialog box —button title00.2

display dialog ‘RANDOM suffix’ .xyz

panel 2 text field four :

on (unrealized) intercourse with—
by means of—
A SEARCH-engine .

attached sheet 2 —a form of dialog box —button title00.2

display dialog ‘random SUFFIX’ .XYZ

end of title00a

3 August 2007

of the past

1. (a) skeletal barebones textual intercourse with an intelligent building - formation of an in-appropriate language with which to carry out this intercourse (b) construction of a multi-screen projection-installation to run independently of user with addedContent running a fragmented socio-political commentary (c) online textual reference perhaps via search-engine(s) - archived bot accumulation of source material emptied and refilled to timetabled instruction

By-m-by haus bilong-yu bilong mi
description of work-in-progress at ‘TextLab’
trAce Online Writing Centre

Nottingham Trent University 2003

2. Kiss the Bony Structure is a work for the Internet built upon an earlier work The Word beyond Speech an interactive text inspired by OuLiPo and the work of Georges Perec

in Kiss the Bony Structure words refuse meaning and interpretation instead offering themselves as playful exercises . frames fold in on themselves lists course across the screen words reveal themselves as simply combinations of letters awaiting formal application . text is offered as a game a system of exchange between author and reader offering redirection rather than reward in response to participation

the work draws attention to the ways in which structures and processes of the computer medium may manipulate reception and understanding and was in part developed from the study of the conceptual structures or network languages which provide systems analysts with their ubiquitous working models : in the spirit of OuLiPo the work imitates chance while obeying a law

if this structure or code is the message it is a message-site carefully arranged as a response to both the Internet as a repository for use-ful-less information and to its potential to constitute a new language experience beyond speech

the bony structure of the title refers to an academic conceit that aesthetics is the bony grammar of Art

Jeff Instone is a verteran der Textkunst who has moved on from written paintings and drawings and whose work has been variously described as “strange scribblings” BBC, ‘curious and dull’ Time Out, ‘an artist…not worth his salt’ The Guardian, and as ‘exploring the leading edge of digital textworks : stylish - insightful and witty’ The Cyberspace Lexicon

Kiss the Bony Structure is an unRest( ) work by Jeff Instone with contributions from Julian Weaver in residence at Camerawork with support from the National Lottery through the Arts Council of England, Southern Arts International Initiatives, and Backspace 1996

3. vacant lots are odd and lovely places found in both urban and rural districts . starting out a more or less cleared space a lot will grow and develop like some giant bacon onion and potato pie layer upon layer folding and mixing confined within an indifferent conventional surrounding . in and on such conjugal sites comparatively unrestricted natural growth may enjoy an often long term relationship with the detritus of manufactured productivity - Herstory and History - plaintive achingly beautiful places surviving fitfully dismissed as eyesores by the eyes-right : boxed in by clearly defined capital parts forced to give way to development and emphatic construction only to become renascent elsewhere - confirming that despite the march and machinations of time the thousand weed Reich will live on

Echoes written paintings Matt’s Gallery 1987

27 July 2007

in a kiss? what’s…

A Kiss is still not just a Kiss

That is - a Kiss is an osculatory gallimaufry of abstraction and notional relationships in which a form of Touch known as Kiss takes place through the Agency of a Person or Persons using as an Instrument a Part - Lips - in an appropriate Manner - Tenderly - so in terms of a pedagogic notation or bony grammar a mental model simulation or prototype is assembled which draws attention as much to the path toward formation as to Form itself - in a way consonant with Klee’s Callio-paean to expressive practice - ‘Ingres is said to have created an artistic order out of rest : I should like to create an order from feeling and going still further from motion’

Jeff Instone The Word Beyond Speech 1994
Part 3 Category 2 - A Kiss is still not just a Kiss

25 July 2007

in the future…02

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

miss statement : Department of Interaction Design Royal College of Art
menu item the e-missionary position
pull-down menu item 1 - professor of interaction
window a mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel a
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…tangible computing mediated by the digital physical hybridization of social responsibility with emotional purpose and logical intelligence developing a new media fusion in the interface of the culturally appropriate…
button the missionary position
Professor Condolençia McAra-McWilliam Department of Interaction Design Royal College of Art

pull-down menu item 2 - professor of interactio
window b mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel b
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…tangible computing intelligent environments and information architecture…an open mind and an aptitude for teamwork are essential to integrate the poetic with the practical enabling technology to enrich rather than constrain our lives…
button the missionary position
Tutor Arturo Hamilton Department of Interaction Design Royal College of Art

pull-down menu item 3 - professor of interacti
window c mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel c
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…having a sense of what is technically feasible is as important as developing a feel for what is culturally appropriate…intelligent objects and other digital-physical hybrid spaces mediated by communication technology…
button the missionary position
Network Manager Arturo Olden Department of Interaction Design Royal College of Art

end of working text

Compiled by Arturo Dalí Fellow in Anarcho-Structuralism
Orifice of Specious Proposals The Laboratory
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art
University of Oxford

from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

in the imperfect…02

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

missi statement : a degree of intelligence
menu item the e-missionary position
pull-down menu item 1 - a degree of intelligence
window a mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel a
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…as a post holder you are proactive and determined in estimating the proportion of credit you can claim for protecting the national interest in a stimulating atmosphere of mutual support…
button the missionary position
MI5 The Security Service Director-General Condolençia Manningham-Buller ‘Assuming a Degree of Intelligence’

pull-down menu item 2 - to be appointed
window b mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel b
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…post holders must adapt to handling change and working in partnership with the private sector…our goal is to build a diverse workforce accurately reflecting the society we serve…(provide name and address of someone who can verify information)…
button the missionary position
MI5 The Security Service Desk Officer to be appointed ‘Packaged in a Protective Atmosphere’

pull-down menu item 3 - intentional blank space
window c mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel c
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…collecting intelligence assessing intelligence disseminating intelligence…we are the Government’s advisors on policy and standards allowing enforcement agencies to arrest people who are planning offences…
button the missionary position
MI5 The Security Service Director-General Condolençia Bullying-Manner ‘Intentional Blank Space’

end of working text

Compiled by Arturo Dalí Fellow in Anarcho-Structuralism
Orifice of Specious Proposals The Laboratory
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art
University of Oxford

from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

16 July 2007

in the future…01

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

missio statement : community safety
menu item the e-missionary position
pull-down menu item 1 - community safety
window a mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel a
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…explain set-backs as temporary interruptions in a low crime environment…advice to be provided to strategy managers to help them fulfill this task…co-ordinator to chair monthly anti-social behaviour review meeting…
button the missionary position
The Community Safety* Partnership for the Borough of Eastleigh *the term now relates to crime and disorder

pull-down menu item 2 - community safet
window b mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel b
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…Eastleigh Strategic Partnership works at the strategic level providing co-ordination and direction…existing or newly formed partnerships based around the eight partnership themes will do the practical work…
button the missionary position
The Eastleigh Strategic Partnership Chair Arturo House engaging the public in a meaningful way

pull-down menu item 3 - community safe
window c mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel c
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…each strategy manager has in consultation with the respective link person prepared an action plan to a standard format…the allocation of objectives to link with core business reduces the need for significant additional resources…
button the missionary position
The Eastleigh Community Strategic Partnership nominated manager Inspector Condolençia Scipio

pull-down menu item 4 - community saf
window d mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel d
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…the partnership has defined its structure to manage implementation of the strategy…a diagram of the structure appears at appendix C…plans have been approved by the Strategic Steering group and appear in full at appendices E to P…
button the missionary position
The Eastleigh Community Strategic Partnership link person WPC Condolençia Attard-Charret

end of working text

Compiled by Arturo Dalí Fellow in Anarcho-Structuralism
Orifice of Specious Proposals The Laboratory
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art
University of Oxford

from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

12 July 2007

in the imperfect…01

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

mission statement : terrorism
menu item the e-missionary position
pull-down menu item 1 - anti-terrorism
window a mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel a
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…after the definition of chemical weapon insert radioactive material meaning radioactive material capable of endangering life or causing harm to human health : the definition of nuclear weapon shall cease to have effect…
button the missionary position
Secretary of State Arturo Dalí Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 (Short Title)

pull-down menu item 2 - anti-terroris
window b mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel b
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…an order under this section (a) must be made by statutory instrument and (b) may contain incidental supplemental consequential or transitional provision : different days may be appointed for different provisions and for different purposes…
button the missionary position
Sir Arturo Scarlett Chairman DOP (IT)T Joint Intelligence Committee (Short Title)

pull-down menu item 3 - anti-terrori
window c mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel c
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…subsection (4)(c) does not preclude the modification of a power to legislate otherwise than under subsection (1) : subsection (4)(d) does not preclude the creation of an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term of any length…
button the missionary position
Dame Condolençia Neville-Jones Intelligence Lite Committee (Short Title)

pull-down menu item 4 - anti-terror
window d mission statement
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
button your mission

panel d
mission statements : meaningful terminology in the service of empire building and other means to repression
…(a) in paragraphs (a) and (b) after the Intelligence Service insert in each case 'or GCHQ' and (b) in paragraph (c) after 2(2)(a) insert 'or 4(2)(a)' : (1) in section 54(1) and (2) of the Terrorism Act 2000 (weapons training for terrorists)…
button the missionary position
Sir Arturo ‘Paperclip’ Tebbit Intelligent Counter-Terrorist Co-ordinator (Short Title)

end of working text

Compiled by Arturo Dalí Fellow in Anarcho-Structuralism
Orifice of Specious Proposals The Laboratory
Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art
University of Oxford

from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

10 July 2007

in the infinitive

the digital works of Jeff Instone interactively split infinitives introducing into the rhetoric of search-mechanism the anacoluthon - a purposefully defective component - and the medieval notion of hæcceitas - nowness and thisness - to produce works that he calls Meccano-ist rather than Lego-ist : Modernist not Populist - which he builds using a digital scripting language - a logic engine with an attached vocabulary - to make bare-bones or skeletal screen-works taking as their base-point an enlightened humanism confined within the social field of present day Europe : an incoherent postindustrial Flat-Land

in so doing Jeff Instone examines the precept that the soul is more than the hum of its parts within the context of electronic signage - itself a commodification of information which leads ethno-methodologists to preclude any transcendence of the mean condition and artificial intelligence workers to define that suitable vagueness so useful in the discussion of unformed ideas and essential for the accurate description of the kind of continuity which would be inaccurately defined were it to be expressed in precise terms as Fuzzy Set Theory - a means of expressing lack of precision quantitively using Set Membership Function(s)

Lorelei Undefin The digital word 1997

9 July 2007

in the German

‘Die Arbeit ”unRest“ zelebriert, mehrfach und gleichzeitig subjektlos zu sein: Geographie von Relationen als äußere Ideen. Die Assemblage weist in viele Richtungen, ist abrupt und zart; auf ihrer einfachsten Funktionsebene ist sie in zweifacher Weise auf einer horizontalen Organisationsebene eingebunden: Codegebiet. In molekularem Zustand bildet sie eilig Segment auf Segment wobei sich eine komplexe Struktur herausbildet (oder ein Micro-Faschismus des Obskurantismuses (Bildungshasses) oder das schwarze Loch fehlenden Vorbereitseins). Die Logik der MULTIPLE INHERITANCE ASSEMBLAGE ist die des ”Werdens“: Eine skelethafte, graphische (oder grammatische) Einheit assymetrischer Entwicklung in der die Bedingun ”Werdend“ eher eine richtungsweisende als eine Antwort auf Rückfragen oder Problemlösung darstellt; mehr Begegnung als Ankunft. Eine strukturlose, auf Geschehnisse ausgerichtete Assemblage ist ein Moment repräsentativer Nicht-Zielgerichtetheit, die notwendigerweise Absurdheit einräumt. ”Cyberästhetik ist der Pfad, auf dem man bekannt wird als tangentialer Nomadismus, welcher wie unbewußt gespeichertes Wissen jenseits des Wissensüberblicks und der Kreise des Codeterritoriums liegt.“’

Catalogue entry Ostranenie 97 Bauhaus Dessau

8 July 2007

in the future…00

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
in preparation…

6 July 2007

in the imperfect…00

in the imperfect present : in the future perfect
working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

the unRest( ) Team
menu item Office of Special Plans
pull-down menu item 1 - Dalí
window a Arturo Dalí
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Simple Future : In The Future Simple
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Arturo Dalí

panel a
Arturo Dalí
Fellow in Anarcho-Structuralism
These [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative [which is] the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of “…”
Orifice of Specious Proposals The Laboratory Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art University of Oxford
button The Laboratory

pull-down menu item 2 - de Riz
window b Condolençia de Riz
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Perfect Future : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Condolençia de Riz

panel b
Condolençia de Riz
Reader in Feminist Methodology and Judicial Terrorism
These [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative [which is] the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of “…”
Orifice of Specious Proposals United States Department of Defense The Pentagon
button Dept of Defense

pull-down menu item 3 - Dimanche
window c Suzanne Dimanche
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Imperfect Future : In The Future Imperfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Suzanne Dimanche

panel c
Suzanne Dimanche
Reader in Graphic Isomorphism (Bony Grammar)
These [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative [which is] the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of “…”
Orifice of Specious Proposals Her Majesty's Stationery Office Colegate Norwich
button Stationery Office

pull-down menu item 4 - Instone
window d Jeff Instone
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Simple Present : In The Present Simple
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Jeff Instone

panel d
Jeff Instone
Artist without Portfolio (Runner Up Rennay Mathurin Courtesy Award 1991)
As usual I've gotten by with a little help from my friends. Technical advice from AB about airline ticketing, from CD about firearms, from EF about erectile dysfunction, from Dr GH about post-mortem pathology, was critical. Also the benefit of comments from several discerning onlookers, I and J, first, as always, and then from KL, M and NO, and the amazing PQ. RS and TU remain the moon and stars of my working life—and VW will be special to me forever. My assistants, X, Y, and Z, were indispensable. To all: thanks, guys
(American style ackno para)
Office of Special Plans Heavier Than Air Supply Department unRest( )
button unRest( )

pull-down menu item 5 - van Damn
window e Victoria van Damn
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Perfect Present : In The Present Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Victoria van Damn

panel e
Victoria van Damn
Fellow in Conceptual Symbolism
These [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative [which is] the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of “…”
Orifice of Specious Proposals World Islamic Front For The Jihad Against Jews And Crusaders
button al-Qaida

pull-down menu item 6 - Zammit
window f Sir Themistocles Zammit
In The Imperfect Present : In The Future Perfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
packaged in a protective atmosphere :
with support from : arts council england south east : federazione informale di anarchia italiana : (colon-ic irritation sponsored independently)
In The Imperfect Present : In The Present Imperfect
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
button Sir Themistocles Zammit

panel f
Sir Themistocles Zammit
Emeritus Reader in Twin Tower Fragmentation
These [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative [which is] the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of “…”
Orifice of Specious Proposals trAce Online Writing Centre Nottingham Trent University
button Fragmentation

Compiled by Jeff Instone Artist without Portfolio unRest( )

from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect - a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

29 June 2007

on unRest( )-ing

for unRest( ) a digital artwork is a mix of the systematic organization of material medium and time (with some random items taken from stores of collected material - abutting light or foolish notation against at times sour contextual matter) in the belief that to quote from the concluding recommendations of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (The 9/11 Commission Report) it is crucial to find a way of routinizing even bureaucratizing the exercise of the imagination : the quotation taken - as it should be - out of context - of course

these [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative which is the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of ‘—’

27 June 2007

on assassination lite

working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application

menu item extirpation
pull-down menu item 1 - serving suggestion 1
window a assassinatioN lite
asphyxiate - today
a [bucolic] Countryside Alliance supporter
button indeterminate
assassination lite

panel a
serving suggestion
button terminate
any wearer of the Barbour waxed cotton jacket

pull-down menu item 2 - serving suggestion 2
window b assassinatiO lite
decapitate - today
a [sub-human] knobhead twatboy
button indeterminat
assassination lite

panel b
serving suggestion
button terminat
any ear-ringed clip-headed body-painted girly-man

pull-down menu item 3 serving suggestion 3
window c assassinatI lite
eviscerate - today
a supporter of [net-curtain] Nazism
button indetermina
assassination lite

panel c
serving suggestion
button termina
any reader of Daily Mail & General Trust News Publications

pull-down menu item 4 - serving suggestion 4
window d assassinaT lite
immolate - today
a [handy][mobile][portable] phone owner
button indetermin
assassination lite

panel d
serving suggestion
button termin
any Motorola V980 3G [clamshell camera] phone user

pull-down menu item 5 - serving suggestion 5
window e assassinA lite
impale - today
a print [broadsheet] journalist
button indetermi
assassination lite

panel e
serving suggestion
button termi
any reporter under contract to Press Holdings International

pull-down menu item 6 - serving suggestion 6
window f assassiN lite
garrotte - today
a private [owner-driver] motorist
button indeterm
assassination lite

panel f
serving suggestion
button term
any owner of a Freelander XEi 3 door hardback with roof rails

pull-down menu item 7 - serving suggestion 7
window g assassI lite
extirpate - today
a [putative] parliamentary politician
button indeter
assassination lite

panel g
serving suggestion
button ter
any Conservative Party first time candidate elected May 2005

pull-down menu item 8 - serving suggestion 8
window h assasS lite
garrotte - today
a zealous [business] entrepreneur
button indete
assassination lite

panel h
serving suggestion
button te
any individual praised by the Confederation of British Industry

pull-down menu item 9 - serving suggestion 9
window i assaS lite
impale - today
a [further or higher education] lecturer
button indet
assassination lite

panel i
serving suggestion
button t
any sophistic tutor of imaginative critical practice

pull-down menu item 10 - serving suggestion 10
window j assA lite
immolate - today
a [sanctimonious] evangelical
button inde
assassination lite

panel j
serving suggestion
button et
any proselytizer for the bigotry of hyperorthodoxy

pull-down menu item 11 - serving suggestion 11
window k asS lite
eviscerate - today
a fine art [new media] practitioner
button ind
assassination lite

panel k
serving suggestion
button ret
any artist referring to human-centred interactive design

pull-down menu item 12 - serving suggestion 12
window l aS lite
decapitate - today
a [self styled] executive producer
button in
assassination lite

panel l
serving suggestion
button mret
Mario Eugenio Tavares - more about him later

pull-down menu item 13 - serving suggestion 13
window m A lite
asphyxiate - today
a [porcine] suburbanite
button i
assassination lite

panel m
serving suggestion
button imret
any corpulent jobbernowl from Laburnum Grove

end of working text

Jeff Instone - from In the Imperfect Present : In the Future Perfect - a serial of Mac OS applications constructed 2004-2006 with the support of pva LabCulture and Arts Council England South-East

25 June 2007

on intelligent building

„On (not) flagging a dead cause“
. [multi-] screen TEXT (with 3 components)

intelligent building (X)> multi screen installation (Y)> enquiry agency (Z)> multi screen installation (Y)> intelligent building (X)>

Q should X Y or Z ACT as focal point - providing entry or should all 3 act interdependently while providing ENTRY each to other?
A none at time of writing
part00 concludes

intelligent building project X working title
by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi
multi-screen installation project Y working title
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
search-engine and navigation project Z working title
(a) « quoi de neuf - pussycat? »
(b) la femme Nikita
XYZ ((by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (la femme Nikita))

XZY ((by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi) (la femme Nikita)(we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here))

ZYX ((la femme Nikita) (we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

YZX ((we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here) (la femme Nikita) (by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi))

Q if the skeletal or bare-bones or outline structure provided by X = FORM and
(FORM = the CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE of major and minor elements within an organization - clearly defined so that the structure operates in full [or limited full] comprehension of itself)

* full in terms of the artificial language used - * limited in terms of natural language

and if the contextually loaded Y = CONTENT
(CONTENT = the major NARRATIVE containing lesser NARRATION composed independently of the structure of the work to provide a social and political CONTEXTUALITY)
and if Z
possesses neither FORM nor CONTENT (other than in the most minimal sense) it may be an irrelevant or dysfunctional element
Q what is the value of Z?
A none at time of writing
and if also Z = a VACANCY for the insertion of user procedures and as such represents an ACT or an opportunity to act then Z represents the human interface and as such need have no ID)
part01 concludes

1 project X
building management system(s) and sensors - (working title)
by-m-by haus bilong yu bilong mi
core aims and objectives of the intelligent building - available commercial mission statements and so on

component X AS shaping structure - umbrella - ignition and running procedures
component X NOT AS - not known at time of writing
Q should the database of the intelligent building be read as or seen to be in addition to its functionality as possessing content which may or may not be meaningful?
CONCLUDE - the intelligent building supplies a [conceptual] structure and meaningful content is in the minds eye of the user - unless a basic or simplified or pidgin language is inserted to come between X and Y
Q what purpose would the insertion of a natural language serve at this point?
A none at time of writing

2 projectY
multi-screen installation - (working title)
we’re here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here
conceptual structures - J F Sowa - AI mental modelling
component Y AS - ignition & running in response to [aspects of] X
component Y NOT AS - standalone available for direct user response
Q should installation run independently?
A none
CONCLUDE - PLAY independent of X and Z demotes the notion of COMMUNALITY but promotes the idea of INDIVIDUATION

3 project Z
guardian - tracing agent - assassin - (working titles)
« quoi de neuf - pussycat? » la femme Nikita
part SEARCH (quoi…) part CLEAN (Ni-ki-ta) (cleaning agent)
component Z AS
either TXT ENT
(onMouseOver onMouseOut onMouseEnter onMouse Within onMouseLeave)
or ALL
component Z NOT AS - to be determined
Q should enquiry be only remotely or tangentially related to other [2] components?
as it is - it is more routemaster than searching enquirer
A none at time of writing
CONCLUDE - Z should be [re]assigned to the status of SWITCHing device or ALTternatively Z should provide ENTRY to
(a) a discourse on X and Y
(b) a parallel text contextual to X or Y or X+Y
(c) a tracing agency
(d)an interrupt (or an assassin)
part02 concludes

BUILDING X - conceptual structure - by-m-by…
intelligence of which is unknown at this stage but will include -
sensors alarms swipes fire sprinkler light network cctv air conditioning filtration units timing and temperature control heating solar activation power storage ventilation lift stair (fold unfold up down) and floor emergency notification devices robotics

implementation - diversification of individual components
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
unspecified manifestation at this point - speech or text messages - natural language interface
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
inward outreach from

regulation of topic selection and running of installation results from unwitting consultation with the intelligent building x
MULTISCREEN INSTALLATION - Y - we’re here because…
assets of which are - free running topics prepared earlier of a socio-political nature plus concurrent screen instruction in scripting language with samples

feeding into Y is Z
switch off change direction alter selection
↑ENQUIRY AGENT 00 - Z - « quoi de neuf - pussycat? »
ENQUIRY AGENT 01 - Z - la femme Nikita↑
to direct interrupt and redirect or empowered to clean
or to provide an online or networked commentary or summary or footnotes
part03 concludes

in this hyperpolis (*from the city of electronic signage of JMG le Clézio’s - The Giants) there are 3 (or 4) significant areas (although each (subroutines) may (areas) have within
.component X - the building = formerly by-m-by… is now ex nihilo nihil fit (out of nothing nothing comes)
Q does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?
A none at time of writing

.component Y - the site specific screens and projections installation - (site(s) as yet unspecified - formerly we’re here because we’re here… now obscurum per obscurius (the obscure explained by the even more obscure) supports [previously prepared] non-sequential writing
NB the regulation of topic selection and the running of installation obscurum per obscurius is a product of its unwitting or witless consultation with intelligent building x nihilo…
texts to include for example
(a) the index of evil - opportunities for financial investment in international terrorism - make a killing!
(b) concierge capitalism and the decline of socialism - a call for the resurrection of anarcho-syndicalism and a call for cost - the limit of price
(c) edge-breaking-ground-cutting - odd terminology in the service of empire building (academic - commercial and military) and other means to repression
(d) on not looking into [the] Chapmans’ œuvre - the Emin-ic trivialization of the visual arts - its conceptual innit?
NB screen and projection work obscurum per… also to provide a concurrently running instruction in scripting language
Q does this structure support or not support sequential non-sequential(ism)?
A none at time of writing
and as an adjunct to obscurum per… the

.component Z or ZZ factor supports orderly enquiry (search or navigation) from « quoi…» + clean (or kill ) from Ni-ki-ta
part04 concludes

Jeff Instone - Georges Perec (d.) and Lorelei Undefin (imag.)
.unRest(un R est un M qui se P le L de la R)

(a proposal re-formed at TEXTLAB - trAce Online Writing Centre Nottingham Trent University - Nov 2003)

24 June 2007

on Fine Art

from a question put to the institute of international visual arts : question time - Feb 2002

a comforting - because it seems so traditionally positioned - polemic of year 2000 - Demolish Serious Culture!!! asks

was ist radikal-demokratische Kultur - und wem dient sie?

and states that it is better to get along without contemporary art on the grounds that

...the economic and ideological control of institutions turns contemporary art into a feeble reptile bloated with gas - a depoliticized greedy lying half-educated but horribly power-hungry ambitious elitism dealing with neo-liberal politicians and financial bigwigs - dealing in images objects see-through underwear plastic puppets and...tolerance projects for a multicultural communications market

might the panel - consisting as it must do of representatives of that appetitive and self-regarding caste rightly deplored by authors of polemics everywhere - consider the following points of view - and do they think that these points have any value within the context of the discussion?

culture - particularly as represented by that component of the visual arts traditionally and probably redundantly referred to as fine art is now so trivialized as to be no more engaging of mind or heart than a supermarket clubcard voucher - becoming either

(a) a visual joke of the kind that is somehow representative of an adolescent rebellion of the suburban third bedroom kind carried on into middle age and beyond - often rather well produced - a fact which tends to emphasise its triviality


(b) has been subjected to a contextualization process - monitored by essentially middle class arts organizations holding community values dear - to become public art - the provision of which has so missed its way as to become a fortunately not everyday saga of pitiful errors of judgement - just as the horse designed by a committee became something other than a horse - redolent of awful sentiment - of northern angels - or concrete inside out books - like some Lewis Carroll conceit - mawkishly memorializing the Holocaust

or even

(c) annexed by entitled specialists - something of a moveable snack - for who in this country now remembers our once politically engaged Atkinsons? I am referring really to those who parlay an apparent entitlement bestowed by - say - race or class - so that a European of Asian ethnicity can propose that she comments first as an Asian woman or an artist who lives an otherwise blameless bourgeois life teaching in higher education can claim to work from the perspective of the working classes on the grounds that her great grandmother was a striking match girl

might the panel also consider that cultural and media education - which appears to have now subsumed a once very flawed - more or less craft-based - art and design education - has formalized and modularized every innovative move made in the arts into an academic process which celebrates the accretion of modification within a matrix of shared assumption - and may no longer be education within any known sense of the term? consider the proliferation of new media courses which adopt the products of a poorly informed software industry - all special FX and simulation McNarratives - to offer a form of intensive farming - a foot in mouth exercise if ever there was one

finally might the panel also consider the notion that what cultural significance may be taking place occurs elsewhere - all too easily missed by the purblind? that rather as the game of cricket is known by some to be one whose intricacy and subtlety is comprehensible only to the Indian mind - and only accidentally invented by the British - so the Victorian civil service - and its Borges-ian descendents - boards and councils and working parties...both hierarchical and rhizomatic - may be the only cultural artefact to survive into an age of Monsanto modified consumerism and a state of semi-permanent childishness set in a shiny sea of wishy-washy contextuality

for myself I remain convinced that despite ex nihilo nihil fit the work of art that refers to its articulation first - to the commonality of the art of work - is to the eructative expression of the self as is the flower to the weed

Jeff Instone
Artist without Portfolio Office of Special Plans unRest( )