according to the hour of the day memoranda

23 June 2007

on law-n order

working text for Mac OS AppleScript Cocoa application
window a
Nu Labor and neo-conservatism
net-curtain Nazism in middle England :
the deleterious effect of this unseemly
institutional apotheosis upon the
unremitting societal infantilism of the
English class system

panel a
on behalf of which pusillanimous
area community safety partnerships
negligently administer concierge capitalism
and lawn order to
an appetitive middle class
floundering in a state of prolonged childishness.

window b
area strategic partnerships
the term community safety now
relates to crime and disorder -
strategy managers are to explain
set-backs as temporary interruptions
within a Low Crime Environment

panel b
while a subhuman semi-crazed underclass
infests the decaying urban terraces -
council sink estates - social housing association developments
and home-owner settlements of urban
suburban and rural middle England

window c
area community safety partnerships
working at a strategic level
to provide co-ordination and direction
in consultation with the respective
link persons appointed to
community partnership themes

panel c
as a shirking class of crapulent
skin-pierced clip-headed body-painted girly-men
blowzy obese hominoids
and their porcine
educationally sub-normal offspring
exist in almost paralytic ineptitude

window d
area strategic partnerships
we will work to achieve
healthier communities - this will include
tackling health inequalities and
promoting healthy lifestyles - including
culture and leisure for all

panel d
notably for a socially irresponsible
easily credited deeply indebted
multi-mortgaged suburban or boorjoy
class loafing in mentally undemanding
Bluetooth-ed multi-tasking
tick-a-box make-work

window e
area community safety partnerships
public disorder - anti-social behaviour
fear of crime - youth offending
and illegal drugs
all play a part in affecting
local quality of life

panel e
its mood set by advertizing
and similar means of social manipulation to
managing the lifestyle conceits of an
immodest culture - a gallimaufry
of meretricious services crudely tailored
to the consumer's gullibility

window f
area strategic partnerships
a diagram of the fully defined structure appears at appendix C :
plans have been approved by
the strategic steering group
and appear in full at appendices E to P

panel f
net-curtain nazism in middle England
concierge capitalism and lawn order -
downloading systems of social manipulation to
meet targets and deliver branded goods and services
in an age of genetically modified consumerism

end of working text

adapted by Nina Zammit-Zorn 2007
collaborating artist unRest( )

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