according to the hour of the day memoranda

29 June 2007

on unRest( )-ing

for unRest( ) a digital artwork is a mix of the systematic organization of material medium and time (with some random items taken from stores of collected material - abutting light or foolish notation against at times sour contextual matter) in the belief that to quote from the concluding recommendations of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (The 9/11 Commission Report) it is crucial to find a way of routinizing even bureaucratizing the exercise of the imagination : the quotation taken - as it should be - out of context - of course

these [contextual] multipleNarratives are held within the metaNarrative which is the conStructure and runDefinition of the whole in partnership with addedContent : the itemization and reporting of ‘—’

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